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  • lauren9069

Tips for Growing a Successful Business

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

Starting a business definitely has its challenges, and it is important to remember the basics at any stage.

Try to guess where I was reminded of these valuable lessons that translate perfectly to starting and growing a business. I will give you the answer later on so, try not to cheat.

  1. It is easier with a team – employees, supportive friends, or like-minded people who have already successfully started a business.

  2. Ensure your team has the right attitude – we know how much more difficult something is when you associate with people who always complain and never offer solutions.

  3. Surround yourself with people who have the necessary skills (even if they are not best friend material)

  4. Some moments will seem difficult, and then something even more challenging will happen, and those “difficult” moments will seem much easier.

  5. Even when you think you have made it; you still need to stay extremely focused (maybe even more than when things seemed hard)

  6. Let other people take the lead sometimes.

  7. Make nutrition a top priority – drink water, eat healthy food, and take in just the right amount of caffeine.

  8. Breathe deeply

  9. Be prepared

  10. Set realistic yet challenging goals (and focus on 1-2 at a time)

  11. Celebrate the wins and reward yourself (and your team) for them

  12. Setbacks will happen. Growing a business might (will) be more difficult than expected. Keep going.

  13. Fill your mind with information that will help get you to the next level and avoid negative inputs.

  14. Stay humble

  15. Have the right tools

  16. Compare yourself to yourself.

  17. Every small step matters

  18. Take breaks

  19. Be prepared for the unexpected.

  20. Control what you can be optimistic about what you cannot

Any guesses on what I was doing when I thought of these lessons? If you said swimming across the English Channel, you are… absolutely wrong (although these lessons probably apply there too). If you guessed that I was riding my bike straight into a 20mph headwind, then you are correct! Below is the list again with the relevance to cycling.

  1. It is easier with a team – Ever seen a peloton (not the dope spin bike)? It is the reason pros can ride their bikes 100 miles multiple days in a row. Being alone on my ride, I really wished I had some friends to block the wind. Being part of a mastermind and having many friends running their own successful businesses have been very important for me to start my own.

  2. Ensure your team has the right attitude – I could not stop thinking about how much harder this would be if I had someone telling me how difficult it was. Being able to stay in the right mindset is nearly impossible when you surround yourself with negative people.

  3. Surround yourself with people who have the necessary skills (even if they are not best friend material) – For this example, whoever was part of the team, would need to have some cycling skills.

  4. Some moments will seem difficult, and then something even more challenging will happen, and those “difficult” moments will seem much easier – Like a headwind + a hill….

  5. Even when you think you have made it; you still need to stay extremely focused (maybe even more than when things seemed hard) – This was a fun one. Turning around, you have a tailwind! The reality? It was a tailwind and DEEP potholes! So, going 30mph seems fun and easy, but take your eyes off the road, and terrible things can happen.

  6. Let other people take the lead sometimes – Just because you started the company does not mean you have to do everything all the time. Similar to riding with a group, you take turns eating wind.

  7. Make nutrition a top priority – drink water, eat healthy food, and take in just the right amount of caffeine – You need energy and your health to be at your peak performance in any area of life.

  8. Breathe deeply – You get the point.

  9. Be prepared – Nothing is worse than going on a ride with the wrong clothing, not enough food or water, or improper expectations. Same with business (different preparation).

  10. Set realistic yet challenging goals (and focus on 1-2 at a time)

  11. Celebrate the wins and reward yourself (and your team) for them – Like the post-ride gelato!

  12. Setbacks will happen. Growing a business might (will) be more difficult than expected. Keep going. – Getting a flat is never ideal, but they happen.

  13. Fill your mind with information that will help get you to the next level and avoid negative inputs – the strongest input is what you tell yourself.

  14. Stay humble

  15. Have the right tools – bike, bike shorts, jersey, helmet… You get it.

  16. Compare yourself to yourself – If you fall into the comparison trap, you can hinder your progress. If someone is slower, you might slack because you are still faster than them. If they are faster, you might get discouraged and slow down or give up.

  17. Every small step matters – 80 RPMs on a bike. It takes every single one to complete your ride.

  18. Take breaks – This is obvious when working out, but so many people fail to separate themselves from work truly. Could you do it? You will be more productive and pleasant when you return.

  19. Be prepared for the unexpected, and do not let it crush you.

  20. Control what you can be optimistic about what you cannot – We cannot control the wind, but we can control the route we take and our attitudes.

There are many more things we must do when growing a successful business. I would love to hear your story about the hurdles you encountered and the advice you give others who are just starting. Please email me and let me know!

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